I served as a regular in the Army as a Combat Medic, I left when my mate got blown up in Northern Ireland. I joined the NHS, I thought that was the end of my Army service, but I was called up for operation Granby to free Kuwait.

On my return I went back to my job in the NHS, but I was aware that my body and mind was just not right.  I started to get a lot of pain, fatigue, stomach problems, memory loss and mood swings, this impacted not only on me but my family. 

I later found out due to all the medication we were ordered to take in the War, I had developed what is known as Gulf War illness (G.W.I.) I lost my job in the NHS because of my sicknesses, I was lucky I didn't lose my life.  I spent my working life working, getting ill losing jobs because of G.W.I.

I was diagnosed with Post traumatic Stress disorder (P.T.S.D) caused by G.W.I. in 2017

I cannot remember, how I first came across Soldiers Art Academy (S.A.A.), I remember emailing Amanda but I'm glad I did, it's really helped me.  I loved Art and making things in school and had been making love spoons, walking sticks, drawing and writing poetry to make sense of my life  and calm my mind for a few years before attending S.A.A. 

I have had support from other great military charities, but S.A.A. really fits my needs.  I look well with G.W.I, but you have to pace your physical activity, I find loud busy environment can also be too much, I've dropped out of, charities as they focus on physical activity or large social events, I can find it hard to deal will sometimes. S.A.A. is mainly online, it's  more likely I can attend. I love writing poetry, the in house poet  is Karl who runs the poetry workshop he and the group have taught me a lot, I love listening to other people's poetry, Rumu, 'The Guest house' is my favourite poem. I've become more comfortable in the group I have been able to attend a S.A.A. event at Cardiff castle, I didn't feel comfortable to read poetry out on stage, but my work is in the Remembrance garden Cardiff castle. I have now started in S.A.A. Art group run by Robin my Art is improving all the time thanks to him and the support of the group.

More importantly, S.A.A. don't judge, there is no pressure, they just support you to be better.

Above: Fruit Stall Man (acrylic) 30cm-25cm £40

Above: Market Butcher (acrylic) 30cm-25cm £40

Above: Pint of Water (acrylic) 20 x 20cm £40

Above: Salvation Army Man (acrylic) 30cm-25cm £40

Above: Gaz Fruit seller face (acrylic) £40

Above: Market Artist (acrylic) 30cm-25cm £40

Above: Lady Sculpture (Pencil) £25


Robin Perko


David Shaw